video serie, German with English
subtitles, 16:9, color, each 1-3 mins.,
2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Agitka Selbstverwaltung, video still, 2020
AGITKAS (ongoing series)
One focus of Ina Wudtke’s research concerns the tradition of worker writers. After the Russian Revolution, from the 1920s on, marxist newspapers brought the workers correspondence movement into life. Texts by workers about their working and living conditions were printed, or performed by workers acting troups in public space. Based on her research on original poems, songs and epigrams on the topic of housing, Ina Wudtke developed own short agitation texts called „Agitkas“ after the Russian constructivist model. With these texts she staged speaking choirs for short videos in front of real estate in Berlin’s urban space. Ina Wudtke confronts worker writers practices with the reality of the present.
Agitkas, installation view, 2017, Kunsthaus KuLe, Berlin