Video 1 min.,
German with English subtitles,
16:9, color, HD, 2016

Three molton framed tulle drapes
(2,48 m long x 1,66 m wide) with a
spoken word text and several images
of silver foile letters pasted upon it.

Ein Schloss für Berlin, video still 2016, Berlin


„Ein Schloss für Berlin“ („A Castle For Berlin“) was originally a spoken word text that Wudtke wrote for a demonstration with an open mike for the roofing ceremony of the city castle that was called by the artist group „NoHumboldt21“, Africavenir and „AFROTAK TV cybernomads“ to protest against the transfer of the ethnographic Dahlem collections to the reconstructed Berlin city castle and to protest against the castle itself. The ethnologic collections of Dahlem are discredited for being looted art. The video shows Ina Wudtke in front of the construction site of the castle speaking the poem. The installation of the same title features three layers of transparent tulle drapes, one with applicated text through which one can see the outlines of demonstrators and the city castle on the levels behind. The tulle layers create a moiré effect, a kind of optical interference that occurs through the overlapping of the fine tulledrapes pattern.

In 2020 there was another demonstration against the Imperial Orb and the cross with which the castle dome was crowned. In this context a second version of the textile work was created:
A Castle Part I+II.

Ein Schloss für Berlin, installation view 2016, after the butcher, Berlin

Ein Schloss für Berlin, installation view 2016, after the butcher, Berlin