foto installation, 80 portraits,
each 7,87 inch x 11,81 inch,
inkjet prints, mounted on
20 kilos, color, 2001

Heilen und Vernichten, installation view 2001, Kunsthalle, Luckenwalde

Heilen und Vernichten

Two extreme gender roles of German society are exposed in ‘Healing and Killing’ (translated title): soldiers and nurses. Both groups wear uniforms and represent themselves through a strong aesthetic code. Until a few years ago these occupations excluded one gender by law. The Christian ‘Red Cross’ nurse (and her analogue the Muslim Red Half Moon nurse) has been the first job that women where allowed to practise in many countries. In case of a war both the nurse and the soldier work hand in hand. The Red Cross nurse will be ordered to work in war before other nurses.

Heilen und Vernichten, details, 2001